The director-producer denies playing cupid between Sidharth Malhotra and Alia Bhatt.Alia Bhatt and Sidharth Malhotra are the industry’s newest couple. Both are Karan Johar’s protégées, having starred together in their debut film Student Of The Year in 2012. But the sparks didn’t fly when they were shooting for SOTY. They discovered feelings for each other only recently, a few months ago.It is rumoured that it is their Godfather Karan who brought them together. Ask the director if that’s true and he shakes his head, and says, “I am not commenting on anybody else’s personal life. Though I have to say I have always been very good with getting people together. I am a good matchmaker. But I will not answer this because it is someone’s personal life and it is their prerogative. Also, I don’t get into this generation’s love stories.”
When asked if that is because the new generation is fickle and their relationships don’t last, he denies it vehemently, “No, that’s not true and I hope and pray that anyone who finds love, stays in love. It’s the best feeling in the world to be in love. So when somebody is in love, I always feel happy for them. You know I believe when you are in love, or in a relationship, it’s the best place. Relationships are great teachers. They teach you, they nurture you, they empower you with an emotion that you eventually selfishly put on celluloid. So for these actors who are going through relationships, I would say more power to you if you are feeling loved because I think love is a rare thing to find.” Meanwhile Sid-Alia are going strong. As I step out of Karan’s cabin, the duo have dropped in to meet the director.
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» Karan Johar: I’m a good matchmaker but I don’t get into this generation’s love stories
Karan Johar: I’m a good matchmaker but I don’t get into this generation’s love stories